
中网市场发布: 苏州宏娟纺织厂研发生产阳涤四面弹/阳涤登山布/八枚登山布系列产品

苏州宏娟纺织厂,成立于2013年,是一家集研发设计、生产销售为一体的服装面料坯布供应企业。多年来,公司一直注重于服装产品的质量和研究创新。公司技术力量雄厚,生产的阳涤四面弹,阳涤登山布,八枚登山布系列成品服装产品设计时尚,选料讲究,匠心制造、美观大方,我们公司是第一批申请CU GRS认证企业,所产再生环保纱高弹,四面弹深受各大新老客户欢迎,我们公司是一家以质量求生存,以诚信为口碑,专业,执着,因此深受各大新老客户喜爱,公司欢迎全球各地客商前来洽谈合作!地址:中国江苏省苏州市吴江区盛泽镇和服商区H栋19号, 电话:086-0512-63080068,手机:086-18962500822,公司总经理蒋志国携全体员工真诚欢迎您来光临!

Suzhou Hongjuan Textile Factory, established in 2013, is a garment fabric grey cloth supplier integrating R&D, design, production and sales. Over the years, the company has been focusing on the quality of apparel products and research and innovation. The company has strong technical force, the production of Yangdi four-way stretch, Yangdi mountaineering cloth, eight-piece mountaineering cloth series finished clothing products are fashionable in design, exquisite material selection, ingenious manufacturing, beautiful and generous. Our company is the first batch of enterprises to apply for CU GRS certification. The recycled environmentally friendly yarn produced is highly elastic and four-sided elastic, which is well received by new and old customers. Our company is a company that strives for survival by quality, reputation for integrity, professionalism and perseverance, so it is loved by all major new and old customers. The company welcomes all over the world. Businessmen from all over come to discuss cooperation! Address: No. 19, Building H, Kimono Business District, Shengze Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China, Tel: 086-0512-63080068, Mobile: 086-18962500822, General Manager Jiang Zhiguo and all the staff sincerely welcome you!

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