
中网市场发布: 依西埃姆(北京)工业炉贸易有限责任公司负责法国ECM公司制造的真空渗碳炉在中国销售和售后服务

ECM公司是一家设计、制造和销售各种热处理工业炉的跨国公司。公司总部设在法国东南部的Grenoble市内,在美国、中国建立了独资子公司,在印度,墨西哥,阿根廷设有维修基地,日本设有办事处。自八十年代以来,ECM公司成功开发了专利真空渗碳工艺 – INFRACARB技术,并在此基础上设计制造了ICBP系列低压真空渗碳炉。目前,世界热处理界一致公认:ECM公司在低压真空渗碳领域处于世界领先地位。ECM公司在中国的独资子公司 – 依西埃姆(北京)工业炉贸易有限责任公司/ECM(中国) Co., Ltd.负责ECM公司在中国市场的销售和用户的售后服务工作。因此,无论在保修期内还是保修期外,ECM公司都可向用户提供优质的售后服务。 依西埃姆(北京)工业炉贸易有限责任公司地址:中国北京市经济技术开发区荣华中路22号院亦城财富中心A座503-2,联系电话:0086-010-85802642,传真:0086-010-85802645,Email: contact.b@ecm-china.net ,https://www.ecm-furnaces-china.com。

ECM is a multinational company that designs, manufactures and sells various heat treatment industrial furnaces. The company is headquartered in Grenoble, in the southeast of France. It has established wholly-owned subsidiaries in the United States and China, has maintenance bases in India, Mexico, and Argentina, and has offices in Japan. Since the 1980s, ECM has successfully developed a patented vacuum carburizing process-INFRACARB technology, and on this basis has designed and manufactured the ICBP series of low-pressure vacuum carburizing furnaces. At present, the world's heat treatment industry is unanimously recognized: ECM is a world leader in the field of low-pressure vacuum carburizing. ECM's wholly-owned subsidiary in China-ECM (Beijing) Industrial Furnace Trading Co., Ltd./ECM (China) Co., Ltd. is responsible for ECM's sales in the Chinese market and customer after-sales service. Therefore, ECM can provide users with high-quality after-sales service no matter during the warranty period or outside the warranty period. Address of ECM (Beijing) Industrial Furnace Trading Co., Ltd.:503-2, Building A, Yicheng Fortune Center, No. 22 Ronghua Middle Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China, Tel: 0086-010-85802642,Fax: 0086-010-85802645,Email: contact.b@ecm-china.net,https://www.ecm-furnaces-china.com.

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