
中网市场发布: 苏州三安机器制造有限公司生产“SAN AN”系列电脑绗缝机缝垫机

苏州三安机器制造有限公司是一家专业从事研发、生产和销售为一体的缝制设备制造企业。公司技术力量雄厚,拥有专业的生产设备、创新的技术研发和完善的营销服务团队。公司主要生产“SAN AN”系列电脑绗缝机、缝垫机、模板机及自动连续绗缝裁切一体机缝制设备,广泛应用于服装、床上用品及窗饰窗帘等领域。“SAN AN”缝制设备,设计创新、制造精良、操作方便、生产效率高等特点,深得市场口碑,公司欢迎全球各地客商前来洽谈采购。地址:中国江苏省州吴中开发区盛虹路3号,销售热线:13862006071,总经理朱庆平携全体员工真诚欢迎大家光临!

Suzhou San'an Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a sewing equipment manufacturing enterprise specializing in R&D, production and sales. The company has a strong technical force, with professional production equipment, innovative technology research and development and a complete marketing service team. The company mainly produces "SAN AN" series of computerized quilting machines, sewing pad machines, template machines and automatic continuous quilting and cutting integrated machine sewing equipment, which are widely used in clothing, bedding, window coverings and curtains. "SAN AN" sewing equipment is characterized by innovative design, excellent manufacturing, convenient operation and high production efficiency, which has won the market reputation. The company welcomes customers from all over the world to negotiate and purchase. Address: No. 3 Shenghong Road, Wuzhong Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, China, Sales Hotline: 13862006071, General Manager Zhu Qingping and all the staff sincerely welcome everyone to visit!

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