
中网市场发布: 苏州市夏丹针织有限公司研发生产家纺面料、功能性面料、羊毛羊绒面料,强捻高支棉丝光汗布、罗纹布及各种色织和提花系列产品

苏州市夏丹针织有限公司是一家专业从事研发、生产和销售为一体的针纺面料制造企业。公司拥有专业的生产设备、创新的研发和完善的营销服务团队。公司主要生产:“夏丹”系列家纺面料、功能性面料、羊毛羊绒面料,强捻高支棉丝光汗布、罗纹布及各种色织和提花系列产品。公司产品设计时尚,选料讲究,织造精良,款式新颖,健康环保等特点,深受中外客商青睐,产品远销海内外。公司在供货供应的同时,承接内外贸来样来图定制业务。欢迎全球各地客商前来洽谈采购!地址:中国苏州市吴中区迎春南路112号苏州国际科技大厦1幢4楼 ,电话:86-512-65137811,销售热线:13606210795,董事长:严东杰、总经理严水林、副总经理徐美丽携全体员工真诚欢迎大家光临!

Suzhou Xiadan Knitting Co., Ltd. is a mid-to-high-end knitted fabric manufacturing enterprise specializing in R&D, production and sales. The company has professional production equipment, innovative research and development and a complete marketing service team. The company mainly produces: "Xia Dan" series of high-end knitted fabrics, functional fabrics, wool and cashmere fabrics, strong twist high count cotton mercerized jersey, rib fabrics and various yarn-dyed and jacquard products. The company's products are fashionable in design, exquisite material selection, sophisticated weaving, novel styles, healthy and environmentally friendly, and are favored by Chinese and foreign merchants. The products are sold at home and abroad. While supplying supplies, the company also undertakes custom-made business with samples and drawings from domestic and foreign trade. Welcome customers from all over the world to negotiate and purchase! Address: 4th Floor, Building 1, Suzhou International Technology Building, 112 Yingchun South Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou, China, Tel: 86-512-65137811, Sales Hotline: 13606210795, Chairman: Yan Dongjie, General Manager Yan Shuilin, Deputy General Manager Xu Meili and all The staff sincerely welcome everyone to visit!

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