
中网市场发布: 福鼎市春语茶业有限公司生产"王府春风"百年古树白茶

Fuding Chunyu Tea Co., Ltd. was founded in Fuding, the origin of white tea. It is a high-quality tea company integrating cultivation, picking, processing and sales of Fuding white tea. The Royal Spring Breeze. The century-old white tea produced by the company comes from the original dense forest in the middle of 1113 meters. The ancient tea trees stand quietly in the stream of Shuiyun Creek and between the forest 福鼎市春语茶业有限公司创立于白茶原产地-福鼎,是一家集培植、采摘、加工和销售福鼎白茶于一体的高品质茶企。公司所生产的王府春风.百年古树白茶出自1113米中的原始密林之中,一棵棵古树茶静静地伫立于水云溪涧,林崖之间。为了更好地保护茶山生态系统与古树茶林,一年一采,不人工干预,坚信大自然的滋养,好茶天成。于饮茶者而言,每一杯白茶都有其独特的韵味,或馥郁芬芳、或清新淡雅、或醇和浓厚、或甘甜清冽。每一杯高品质白茶的背后,是茶农对自然馈赠的守护,是制茶人对茶味的苛刻追求,是茶企对供应优质白茶的不断坚守。茶路虽艰,但当你抚摸着古树茶的鲜叶,用身心感受每一片茶叶的历程,品尝过杯盏中的清郁茶汤,你会无悔于选择这种滚烫的人生。欢迎全球各地客商、茶友前来采购。地址:中国福建省福鼎市岩泉路269到273号,售热线:015259086605,董事长蔡春风、总经理蔡金珠携全体员工真诚欢迎大家光临!

cliffs. In order to better protect the tea mountain ecosystem and ancient tea forests, we will harvest them once a year without manual intervention. We firmly believe that the nourishment of nature makes good tea grow. For tea drinkers, each cup of white tea has its own unique flavor, or it is rich and fragrant, or fresh and elegant, or mellow and rich, or sweet and refreshing. Behind every cup of high-quality white tea is the protection of nature's gifts by tea farmers, the demanding pursuit of tea taste by tea manufacturers, and the continuous insistence of tea enterprises on the supply of high-quality white tea. Although the tea road is difficult, when you touch the fresh leaves of ancient tea, feel the journey of each piece of tea with your body and mind, and taste the refreshing tea soup in the cup, you will have no regrets about choosing this kind of hot life. Welcome merchants and tea friends from all over the world to come and purchase. Address: No. 269 to 273 Yanquan Road, Fuding City, Fujian Province, China, Sales Hotline: 015259086605, Chairman Cai Chunfeng, General Manager Cai Jinzhu and all the staff sincerely welcome your visit!

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