
中网市场发布: 商丘市虞城县东亚海洋工量具有限公司研发生产销售各种钢卷尺 各种测量具等产品

商丘市虞城县东亚海洋工量具有限公司是一家专业从事研发、加工生产和销售为一体的工量具产品制造企业。公司技术力量雄厚,拥有专业的生产设备、创新的技术研发和完善的营销服务团队。公司主要经营各种钢卷尺、 各种测量具等产品。海洋工量具设计创新、选材讲究、制造精良、测量标准、款式多样、牢固耐用等特点,深得市场口碑,公司在满足现货供应的同时,承接内外贸订单业务,欢迎全球各地客商前来洽谈采购。地址:中国河南省商丘市虞城县稍岗乡稍岗村西街,销售热线:15539056567,董事长李磊、总经理宁静携全体员工真诚欢迎大家光临!

Shangqiu Yucheng Dongya Haiyang Tools Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of tools and measuring tools, which specializes in R&D, processing, production and sales. The company has strong technical force, professional production equipment, innovative technology research and development and a complete marketing service team. The company mainly deals in various steel tape measures, various measuring tools and other products. Marine tools are characterized by innovative design, exquisite material selection, sophisticated manufacturing, measurement standards, diverse styles, and durability. They have won the market reputation. While meeting the spot supply, the company undertakes domestic and foreign trade orders. Welcome businessmen from all over the world to negotiate and purchase . Address: West Street, Shaogang Village, Shaogang Township, Yucheng County, Shangqiu City, Henan Province, China, sales hotline: 15539056567, Chairman Li Lei, General Manager Jingjing and all the staff sincerely welcome everyone!

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